Introduction ============ Some operators of *Hitachi Content Intelligence* (HCI) require the ability to follow up with search users activity, in the form of audit logging. **hcisle** is a tool that is able to collect relevant log records written by the *Search App* and the *Solr* instances (forming the indexes in HCI) whenever a user submits a search request to HCI. As a requirement, *Solr* logging must be configured so that it creates the wanted records. The :ref:`HCI Logging Configuration chapter ` explains how to do that. As **hcisle** is relying on log packages created by HCI, it should be scheduled to run periodically, at least once a day. The :ref:`Code Description chapter ` gives an overview about how the code works. **hcisle** doesn't have any dependencies beside a pure Python 3 installation. Great care was taken to make sure that the tool doesn't cause any security breaches. Nevertheless: .. Tip:: As HCI is often used in security critical context (and the tool needs to run as ``root``), you are **highly encouraged** to do your own code review before using it in such a context. See the :ref:`Code Description chapter ` to learn about the code structure.