.. _autostart: Setup for a scheduled run ========================= .. Note:: As the tool just needs to run on a single instance, it is enough to install the service and timer units described below **on just one instance**. A ``systemd timer`` should be used to run **hcisle** periodically, every few hours. Therefore, ``systemd unit files`` for a service and a timer needs to be created. .. Note:: Paths used in the unit files need to be adopted to match the installation folder, :ref:`see the installation chapter `. **/etc/systemd/system/hcisle.service** .. code-block:: [Unit] Description=HCI searchlog extractor Wants=hcisle.timer [Service] Type=oneshot WorkingDirectory=/opt/hcisle Environment="HCISLE_HOST=localhost" Environment="HCISLE_USER=techuser" Environment="HCISLE_PASSWORD=techuserspassword" Environment="HCISLE_REALM=Local" ExecStart=/opt/hcisle/.venv/bin/python /opt/hcisle/.venv/bin/hcisle -i /opt/hci -d /opt/hcisle -D /opt/hcisle/log.db -L info --syslog-ip --syslog-port 514 --syslog-prot UDP --syslog-facility local6 --vacuumdb 31 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target **/etc/systemd/system/hcisle.timer** .. code-block:: [Unit] Description=Runs HCI searchlog extractor service Requires=hcisle.service [Timer] Unit=hcisle.service # start the service hourly OnCalendar=hourly [Install] WantedBy=timers.target Once the unit files are in place, activate the timer by running: .. code-block:: # systemctl enable --now hcisle.timer Check when it will run the next time: .. code-block:: # systemctl list-timers