Installation and Update


As hcisle needs to run as root to be able to request an HCI log package being created, the following should be run by root as well.

Outside (!!!) of HCIs installation directory, create a folder for hcisle.

Example: if HCI is installed into /opt/hci, a folder in /opt might be sufficient:

# mkdir /opt/hcisle
# cd /opt/hcisle

Within that folder, create a Python3 virtual environment, activate and update necessary packages. Then install hcisle:

# python3 -m venv .venv
# source .venv/bin/activate
(.venv) # pip install -U pip setuptools wheels  # optional!
(.venv) # pip install hcisle


In case your HCI instance doesn’t have internet access, you can also download the latest hcisle package using any other computer with Internet access from the Python Package index. In that case, transfer the downloaded package to the HCI instance and run the install this way:

(.venv) # pip install hcisle-<version>.tar.gz

Test the installation by running:

(.venv) # hcisle --version


Remember that every time the tool shall be run manually (that is, not by systemd), the Python virtual environment needs to be activated first!


When a new version of hcisle gets available, install it this way:

Change to the hcisle’s installation directory and enable the Python virtual environment:

# cd /opt/hcisle
# source .venv/bin/activate
(.venv) # pip install -U hcisle


In case your HCI instance doesn’t have internet access, you can also download the latest hcisle package using any other computer with Internet access from the Python Package index. In that case, transfer the downloaded package to the HCI instance and run the install this way:

(.venv) # pip install -U hcisle-<new_version>.tar.gz

After a Python upgrade

Sometimes a virtual environment gets unstable when the Python installation itself was updated.

To fix that:

  • de-activate the environment -just in case it is active- by running

    (.venv) # deactivate
  • Delete the .venv folder

  • Follow the Installation steps to re-create the virtual environment and to re-install hcisle. There is no need to change the systemd unit file, btw.